Corporate Social Responsibility
Towards a sustainable future

NSEIT defines Corporate Social Responsibility as engaging in socially responsible employee relations and making a
commitment to the society at large. At the NSEIT, Corporate Social Responsibility is not just a duty; it’s a way of life.

Corporate Social Responsibility has always been an integral part of our vision and the cornerstone of our Core Value of Good Corporate Citizenship.

Social Vision

We see our role stretching beyond mere business considerations making a greater contribution by demonstrating serious corporate social commitment.

Being a good corporate citizen encompasses two elements: Transparency and Balance. Today, society expects corporate to go beyond the statutory compliances and putting something back into society. NSEIT as a company realizes the social obligations it has and these very obligations are shared by each person in the company.

Growing Impact

Our Products, Services and Solutions aim to be environment friendly. Hence, we take pride in taking an initiative at Going Green, while we innovate technology using our knowledge. That’s why; we coined the phrase, “Knowledge Driven, Technology Innovation”.

We at NSEIT are focused on developing technology solutions for the Financial Services market and the facilitation of change within these markets, which helps reduce paper work so we can Go Green, maintains transparency to reduce corruption and build a better society improving the quality of life.


Within the NSEIT family, we recognize and share responsibilities enabling continuous improvement of its operations. 

The ultimate objective is to see that each business decision is accountable for its social impact and accordingly plans an intervention to mitigate the impacts arising out of that decision. It is equally important to ascertain that every activity done under CSR makes a socially responsible business sense.

CSR Policy (As per Section 135(4)
and Rule 9 of Companies- (Corporate
Social Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014)

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